The Images of My Dreams

Stephanie Fleming
3 min readMay 22, 2020


In early March I experimented with a 35mm lens I rented at home. I had a vision in mind and wondered if I could recreate images I see in my head. I was also preparing to work on a new series of black and white work (Light & Love) that would depict the purest forms of self-love and bonds we form with others. Enjoy this photo essay of dreamy black and white images of our bond.

Image by Stephanie Brown Photography

Certain day to day moments with Phillip play like a movie. Soft cinematic lighting that sets a mood of soft genuine happiness. I wake up and open the blinds to let the light in and watch it fill the room. I replay memories of him like cinema-graphs or Polaroids of doing basic things like sleeping, cuddling, lounging, drawing or scrolling through his phone as he “catches up on his stories.” In my head its always him not us together cause I’m the photographer.

I tried to capture how I see him. I tried to capture how he makes me feel. I wanted to depict my favorite parts of him. He’s my safe space, a gentle and giving heart; the most comfortable person in my world. I’m grateful for our space, who we are, and where we are in the present.

Thankfully Phillip indulges me. He’s used to having a camera in his face and sometimes he pretends he wasn’t a model in another life. But usually he lets me move and navigate as I dance with the light to find the shapes and angles that excite me. Meanwhile he goes about his business.

Image by Stephanie Brown Photography

Loving the images I gave him the camera to see what he would take of me. He’s learning but the innocence in his skill set actually makes for great images sometimes. He’s also a comic artist so his composition skills are solid.

Images by Phillip Fleming
Image by Stephanie Brown Photography

I have been a long time fan of photographing vulnerability. Its challenging and takes effort and I live for the rigor. It’s been a beautiful way to build relationship with those that I photograph and help them see the authentic beauty I see in themselves.

Hold onto those you can be vulnerable with, its a gift worth preserving. xoxo.



Stephanie Fleming
Stephanie Fleming

Written by Stephanie Fleming

I’m an exhibiting artist and learning experience designer. Questioning everything and sharing of myself. AKA Stephanie Brown in those art streets.

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